We Are Arundel Music
2020 Arundel Feeder System
Spooky Strings & Boo Band
Concert Event!
Please complete your recording by October 28th
Step 1: Practice as needed!
Step 2: Download your recording track!
Step 3: Gather recording materials
You will need:
recording track
queued up to play
to listen to the recording track
device to record
Step 4: Recording Process
#1-->Start your recording (click "record" in your app)
#2-->Play the recording track (click "play")
#3-->You will hear the metronome start playing
#4-->Clap your hands on beat 1 of measure 2 of the metronome
There are 4 measures of metronome before "measure 1" of the music
#5--> Record your part :-)
Step 5: Recording Tips
Make sure you are in a quiet space
Use headphones or an ear bud for the click track so we do not hear it in your recording
If you are using a phone or tablet, make sure you are playing in the direction of the microphone of your device -
If you are recording on a computer, play in the direction of your screen, but not directly at the screen
If you are using a separate microphone, be sure to complete a test recording to make sure you are happy with your sound!
Finished? Upload a .mp3, .mp4 or .wav file of your recording